What to Expect

What sets Ardent Psychological Services, PLLC apart is the time that Dr. Staal spends with every person she sees. She has the flexibility to give everyone she sees as much time as they need. For your comfort complimentary coffee, tea, soft drinks, and water is available.


Psychotherapy is a treatment method that uses psychological rather than medical means to assist a person to change his or her behavior, increase their happiness, and overcome problems. Psychotherapy starts with an intake interview that typically lasts 60-90 minutes. Dr. Staal has been trained in cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and psychodynamic approaches. She selects her therapeutic approach based on what is the best fit for the client, as well as what research says is evidence-based for the presenting problem. The frequency of therapy sessions will depend on your treatment goals. Sessions are typically weekly and 50-55 minutes in length.

Psychotherapy has risks and benefits. The process may involve discussing unpleasant aspects of your life. As such you may experience uncomfortable feelings like sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, helplessness, and loneliness. However, psychotherapy also has many benefits, such as reducing negative emotions, improving relationships, and discovering solutions to problems.

If you have any questions about psychotherapy, or would like to schedule an appointment, please give Dr. Staal a call at: (682) 477-8884.

Psychological Assessment

A psychological assessment generally involves an intake interview, as well as the completion of screening measures, and/or standardized assessment measures. The psychologist will also ask you to bring any relevant records of prior psychological testing to the intake interview so that this information can be reviewed and incorporated.

Psychological testing is typically scheduled in the morning, because a person’s ability to pay attention is best early in the day. A testing session typically lasts 2-4 hours, with breaks provided as needed. In some cases, a second testing day is recommended, although many psychological assessments can be done in one day.

During the feedback session the psychologist will go over the results of the psychological testing, as well as the recommendations made. The feedback session is typically scheduled one or two weeks after your last appointment in order to give the psychologist the time needed to score the measures, review any records, and write up the report. A feedback session is 60-90 minutes in length.

All of the above-mentioned services are included in the fee for the psychological evaluation. Dr. Staal is always available for any follow-up questions after the feedback session, or with help to find a referral, regardless of the length of time that has passed since you were last seen by her.

If you have any questions about psychological testing, or would like to schedule an appointment, please give Dr. Staal a call at: (682) 477-8884.