Psychological Assessment

Psychological Assessment

Psychological testing involves the use of a combination of techniques in order to gather information about a person such as their capabilities, behavior, and personality.  A psychological assessment generally involves an intake interview, as well as the completion of screening measures, and/or standardized assessment measures.  Through this process the psychologist can make the appropriate diagnosis (or diagnoses) and make individualized and specific recommendations on how to address your concerns.

Ardent Psychological Services, PLLC offers psychological assessment in the following areas for children, adolescents, and adults:

The assessment of autism spectrum disorder is possibly one of the most common but complex                         psychological evaluations.  At Ardent Psychological Services the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) is used as part of psychological testing, because it is considered the gold standard in assessing the presence of an autism spectrum disorder.  Many insurance companies require the use of ADOS-2 as part of the assessment in order to cover autism related services such as ABA Therapy. 

Individuals with ADHD often experience symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity.  

A comprehensive evaluation is used to diagnose ADHD.  This can include screening measures, as well as        standardized tests to assess things like intellectual functioning and academic performance. 

Cognitive testing provides valuable information such as a person’s overall intellectual functioning (IQ).  It also looks at specific abilities such as verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.   

               Achievement tests are used to ascertain what a student has already learned, and how well this student is 

performing compared to others who are in the same grade or the same age.   

Adaptive behavior refers to the conceptual, social, and practical skills that a child or adult needs to function in daily life.  Adaptive measures are used to assess how well a person functions in their daily life compared to others who are the same age. 

When a person presents with a complex history and symptoms, psychological testing can help to clarify diagnoses. This is key in making effective recommendations for further treatment. 


A psychological evaluation includes an intake interview, testing, scoring, interpretation, report writing time, review of records, as well as the feedback session).

Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview (intake interview): $275

This fee is applied towards the total cost of the psychological evaluation if you choose to proceed with scheduling psychological testing.  

The total cost of a psychological evaluation varies, but generally an evaluation is no more than $2500.  

If you’d like to know more about psychological testing and how it can help you, or you would like to make an appointment, give Dr. Staal a call today: (682) 477-8884. 

If Dr. Staal is unable to answer your call during business hours, she is in an appointment.  She understands that leaving a message may feel uncomfortable or be inconvenient. She makes every effort to return calls as quickly as she is able to.  Dr. Staal returns phone calls Monday through Friday between 9am and 5pm.  Alternatively, you may use the contact form on the home page.

Do not leave a message if your call concerns a mental health emergency.  Instead, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.